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The Application Process

EnrollRI was launched to ensure that access to Rhode Island Department of Education schools and programs remains easy, safe, and accessible for all families, even as we face the ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Learn more about EnrollRI participating programs for the 2025-2026 school year, and access program family information tools and resources at

Enrollment in a charter public school is nonselective and conducted by random lottery. Participating charter schools will share a common application for the 2025-2026 school application process. 

EnrollRI Lottery Portal

New this year! All families will log back into EnrollRI April 18th to see ALL of their results. For any seats offered, families will click on "next steps" to learn how to accept any seat offered no later than May 3. Please note: EnrollRI encourages all families to accept ONE choice, even if multiple schools offer seats.

To see your results on April 18, log back into your EnrollRI account. At the top of the family dashboard will be a new header called “View Lottery Results” – click here to see your results. Expand results for each student by clicking on arrow next to the name.


Nuevo este año! Todas las familias volverán a iniciar sesión en su cuenta de EnrollRI el 18 de abril para ver TODOS sus resultados. Para cualquier asiento ofrecido, las familias harán clic en "siguientes pasos" para saber cómo aceptarlo a más tardar el 3 de mayo. Tenga en cuenta: EnrollRI alienta a todas las familias a aceptar UNA opción, incluso si varias escuelas ofrecen asientos.

Para ver sus resultados el 18 de abril, vuelva a iniciar sesión en su cuenta de EnrollRI . En la parte superior del tablero familiar habrá un nuevo encabezado llamado "Ver resultados de la lotería". Haga clic aquí para ver sus resultados. Expanda los resultados de cada estudiante haciendo clic en la flecha al lado del nombre.


Application Timeline

  • Application Launch: November 19, 2024

  • Application Deadline: Thursday, March 13, 2025 @ 5PM

  • Charter School Lotteries: April 12025

  • Deadline for Families to Accept their first choice offer: May 2025


The 2025-2026 Charter School Common Application -


Family Information Tool (FIT)


Use the Family Information Tool (FIT) to find the school(s) that meets the performance, accessibility, and programmatic targets you are seeking. Next, use the EnrollRI Common Application to apply to any participating charter schools you are interested in and for which your child is eligible to attend. Participating charter schools will hold their 2025-2026 admissions lotteries on April 1, 2025 and will communicate your student’s enrollment status soon after that time.


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Call: 401-270-1183  Fax: 401-371-4415

Charette High School does not discriminate in the enrollment of students, employment of faculty and staff or use of volunteers for programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity or disability.

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